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The North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) is passing through a crucial phase. All eyes of the masses across the country are on this situation. However, under the prevailing situation there are a few simple and god-fearing people in the province who follow true Islamic norms, which is not acceptable to anti-Islam forces as a result of which all foes and friends, innocent and mischievous have come into action against them. It is not the end that reports are being lodged against them in police stations, the entire police set up has come into action, station house officers are restless in adopting strategies against these true Muslims. Every possible tactic, which is considered cheap and anti-humanity and against the civilization, is being adopted to apprehend them and bring them to book. But, in our homeland, this system is adopted considering it 'need of the hour'. Democracy and fascism, consultation and dictatorship, selfishness and hypocrisy, independence and slavery, and logistic support to the anti-Islam powers have been mixed up in a way that makes it difficult to understand where one begins and where the other ends.

The topic under discussion was of those people who in present day's scenario when all bigwigs, affluent, elite, business tycoons and other high ups are busy calling 'America, America' they have rosary in their hands and repeatedly reciting nothing else but 'Allah, Allah'. "They are unable to understand that the present era is not to make world follow them but to mould themselves in the way the world wants. It is not right time to change the direction of air but to join the race of present world. This is not the time to take decisions independently but only to celebrate Independence Day. This is not the time to follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) but to celebrate the Eid-e-Milad (the birthday of the Holy Prophet). It is not the time to make the Jews and Hindus annoyed but to keep them happy by any means."

These are actually the people of primitive thoughts. They are unaware of modern demands of the world. They are illiterate to understand what does 'need of the hour' mean. They only know that come what may, they have to keep the Allah Almighty happy. They have vow to expand the circle of supremacy of Qur'an and Sunnah, which they consider above all laws on the earth. Their desire is to take the teachings of Qur'an from the mosque and Madrasah (religious institutions) to the business place, workplace and to the assemblies. They do not think that Azaan (call for prayer) and prayer is the religion only but they take society, economy, government and politics as part of Shari`ah. They do not only consider the 'Imamat-e-Sughra' their destination, but they eye the 'Imamat-e-Kubra'. They know that human being has been created to rule and the demand of this responsibility varies. They do not only see the verses of Holy Qur'an, which stress for strict adherence to Namaaz and Roza (prayers and fasting), amelioration of lifestyle, maintaining decency, but they also follow the verses of the Holy Book which clearly point out the responsibilities towards the society, collective efforts, and role in the politics. They know very well that giving or accepting bribe has been termed war against Allah Almighty and His Holy Prophet in the Holy Qur'an. They know that Qur'an declares gambling and use of liquor 'satanic acts'. At some places in the Holy Qur'an the strictest punishment for theft has been the amputation and at some places the whipping has been advised as the only punishment for the rapists. At some places appropriate punishment is advised for the accusers. Not only this, those who do not make decisions according to the laws, defined in the Holy Qur'an, have been declared atheists. Every Muslim has been bound to follow the teachings of Holy Prophet from house to the market, from marriage to the divorce, from happiness to the sadness, from ailment to the recovery of health, and during the travel. And those who ignore these instruction and Divine Orders are warned of strictest punishment.

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an: "They cannot be true Muslims unless they herald the Divine Order at the time of their internal rift." These simple Muslims have strong Islamic belief in their hearts and souls. When they read these Divine Orders and warnings, they start shivering with high fear of stronger punishment in the life and thereafter. They await a time when it will be Allah's laws everywhere even from the police station to the courtroom. When no innocent would be heard screaming due to brutal treatment at jails and when no one with bad reputation would be put to rule. Law and justice would prevails all around and everyone would get justice without any discrimination. A number of generations have met their end while waiting for such a time. However, after centuries, we are witnessing a ray of hope in our neighbourhood where religious norms were confined to the Madaris only. With the inception of Islamic laws, interest-based business was banned. Liquor shops and bars looked deserted. Those who had singing and thrilling as their profession became jobless. Thieves were amputated. Rapists were awarded punishments according to the Islamic laws. Military men and policemen started offering prayers five times a day. Ministers and advisors were answerable to people. The upper and lower houses echoed with the recitation of Holy Qur'an. All seemed in identical dresses and all dined at one table. Glittering metals and precious stones did not attract the simple and god-fearing people. But alas! Today this seems as a dread. However, those fortunate who witnessed this era when Islam really prevailed all around, when tell the stories of their time, no one stays without paying tributes to them.

Pakistanis living in the border areas have also seen the glimpses of these scenes and have felt the charm of this system. How come it is possible that the fragrance of rose and jasmine is in the air and no one would feel it. This type of fragrance amused and attracted the honourable Pukhtoons of NWFP. They warmly took part in the general election and eliminated the worldly culture in which the poor people were considered animals. The laws which were fabricated on the basis of wealth and influence were changed. Those who were confined to Madaris and mosques only got an access to the assemblies. Now under this situation, how come these people would have ignored the stricter implementation of Islamic laws. It was not possible that while sitting in the assemblies they would not come up to the expectations of people who voted them to power.

Now when the NWFP Assembly has accepted Shari`ah Bill with greater majority to declare the Shari`ah the Supreme Law, the upper house is witnessing uproar on the issue. Instead of praising the efforts of NWFP Assembly, instead of hailing their efforts for the supremacy of Islam, pro-West high ups started mourning. In order to make the NWFP government failure, cheap tactics are being adopted. A pressure has been mounted on the bureaucracy to turn down provincial government's proposals. Journalists on the payroll of rulers have been using their skill in condemning the NWFP government's efforts. Their only mission seems to promote the pro-West rulers and nothing else. This proves that the first and the only provincial government that introduced true Islamic system of justice is being subjected to state victimization for its efforts to implement Islamic laws and Shari`ah. The height of opposition is that an advisor in the Federal Shari`ah Court has challenged the proposed Shari`ah Bill in the Supreme Court and requested the honourable court to bar the NWFP governor from approving any such bill in the assembly. People must not forget that since the NWFP assembly has passed this bill with greater majority, no body has any right to oppose this bill. The gesture of the advisor who has challenged the NWFP's Shari`ah Bill in the Supreme Court seems that the sacrifices our forefathers have rendered to keep up the garden would go waste and under this situation we never know what is the fate of that flower garden which we inherited from our ancestors. How come a garden can bloom when its gardener himself is bent upon ruining it. Somebody please make such people understand that Pakistan is our garden which came into existence on the name of Islam. The foundation of our country is Islam and if this foundation is damaged then how the building can stand?