Page 33 - E Magazine Payam e Haya [ENGLISH]

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Aafia! Today you are missed
While the nation celebarates,
Aafia you are missed
As friends and family rejoice
Your little daughter, I embrace
Aafia! Today you are missed
I hug and kiss little Maryam
My hands and lips are nump
Aafia! you are missed
A sacred, fearful little girl cries
Holding on cousin’s friendship ties
Aafia! you are missed
Longing for mommy’s reassurance
Her wonderful eyes full of innocence
Aafia! you are missed
Longing for comfort and security allied
Alas’ Only mother’s love can provide
Aafia! you are missed
I can not stop my tears rolling
I can not stop my heart sinking
what can I do what can I say
I thank almighty for this day
Aafia! You are missed
Lord! I am both weak and sinful
You are always kind and merciful
As brother sisters re-unite
Lord! End my sister’s plight
Aafia! You are missed
Missed more than ever
Aafia! you are missed