
مفسر قرآن حضرت مولانا  محمد اسلم شیخوپوری رحمۃ اللہ علیہ



تفسیر سورۃ نبا


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

ثواب وعذاب

(14th March 2004 )

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ نازعات


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"


متقین اور مجرمین کا انجام

(7th March 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ عبس


پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"


آداب وعقائد

(29th Feb 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ التکویر


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

حقانیت قرآن

(22nd Feb 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ انفطار


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

رب کریم اور انسان

(15th Feb 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ المطففین


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

نیک اور بد

(8th Feb 2004 )

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ البروج


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

ایمان کے لیے قربانی

(18th Jan 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الطارق


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

دوسری زندگی

(11th Jan 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ العلٰے


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

توحید اور قدرت کے دلائل

(4th Jan 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ غاشیہ


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

دو مختلف گروہ

(28th Dec 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الفجر


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

انسان کی آزمائش

(21st Dec 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ البلد


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"  

انسان کی نیک بختی اور بد بختی

(14th Dec,2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الشمس


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

تزکیہ نفس اور تذلیل نفس

(7th Dec 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ لیل


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

انسانی جہد وعمل اور اسکی جزا

(16th Nov 03)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الضحٰی


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

آقا صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی شخصیت

(9th Nov 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الانشراح


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

حضور اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر تین بڑے احسان

(21st March 2004)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ تین


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

نوع انسانی کی تکریم

(26th Oct 2003 )

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ العلق


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

تخلیق انسان کی حکمت

(19th Oct 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ القدر


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

نزول قرآن کی رات

(12th Oct 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ البینۃ


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

شچائی کی دلیل

(5th Oct 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الزلزال


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

جب زمین پر زلزلہ بر پہ ہو گا

(28 Sep 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ العٰدیٰت


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

انسان کا نا شکرا پن

(21 Sep 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ القارعۃ


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

قیامت کا منظر

(14th Sep 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ التکاثر


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ" 

ایک نفسیاتی بیماری

(7th Sep 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ العصر


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

کامیابی کے چار اصول

(31st Aug 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ ھمزہ


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

انسان کی تین کمزوریاں

(24th Aug 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ فیل


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"


عظمت کعبہ

(17th Aug 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ قریش


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"


دو نعمتیں

(10th Aug 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الماعون


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

ریا کاری کی مذمت

(3rd Aug 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الکوثر


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

قرآن خیر کثیر

(27th July 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃالکافرون


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

تمہارا دین

(20th July 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ النصر


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

توبہ و استغفار

(13th July 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ لہب


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

مال کا غرور

(6th July 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الاخلاص


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

توحید کی حقیقت

(29th June 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الفلق


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

مخلوق کا شر

(22nd June 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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تفسیر سورۃ الناس


 پارہ نمبر 30 "عمہ"

وساوس کی یلغار

(15th June 2003)

Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that:  1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.  2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors.  3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included.

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درس قرآن ڈاٹ کام


18th July, 2004