تہجد اداء کرنے کا آسان طریقہ - بے حساب جنت میں جانے والوں کی 3علامات-بیان مفتی عبدالروف سکھروی
- تفصیلات
- Category: مفتی عبدالروف سکھروی صاحب
Speech of Mufti Abdul Rauf Sukkurvi Saheb Publisjing Date: 21-05-2015 |
مشقت حلال کے ساتھ اعتدال باعث برکت | halaal kay saath aatedaal baes e barkat | ||||||||||||||
::::مفتی عبدالروف سکھروی صاحب:::: Mufti Abdul Rauf Sukkuwi |
عنوان | سنیے | ||
محمود غزنوی کی حکایت Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Mahmood Ghaznavi" |
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انسان مشقت میں پیدا کیا گیا ہے Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Insan Mashaqqat main paida kiya gaya hai" |
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اصلاح کا نسخہ Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Islah ka Nuskhah" |
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نفل صدقہ دینے کے فضائل اور فوائد Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Nafil Sadqah Dainay kay Fazail aur Fawaid" |
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موت کے وقت کی بدعات Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Mawt kay waqt ki Bid'aat" |
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ایمان کی نعمت اور اس پر استقامت Mufti Abdur-Rauf Sakharwi, "Eman ki Na'mat aur us par Istiqaamat" |
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رمضان سے صحیح نفع حاصل کرنے کا طریقہ Mufti Abdur-Rauf Sakharwi, "Ramadhan say Sahih Nafa' Hasil karnay ka Tareeqah" |
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راستوں کے حقوق Mufti Abdur-Rauf Sakharwi - "Raaston kay Huqooq", Presented on Darsequran.com |
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باطن کی فکر Mufti Abdur-Rauf Sakharwi "Batin ki Fikr" |
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لا الہ الااللہ کی فضیلت Mufti Abdur-Rauf Sakharwi "La Ilaaha Illallah ki Fazeelat" |
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حقوق والدین اور استغفار Maulana Abdur-Rauf Sakharwi "Huqooq-e-Walidain aur Istighfaar |
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داڑھی منڈانا حرام ہے Maulana Abdur-Rauf Sakharwi - "Darhi mundana Haraam hay" |
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::::مفتی عبدالروف سکھروی صاحب:::: Mufti Abdul Rauf Sukkuwi |
عنوان | سنیے | ||
ایمان و اسلام کا تلازم "Eman o Islam ka talazum" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 27-04-10 |
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آداب محبت "Aadaab-e-Mahabbat" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 23-03-10 |
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اللہ کی مشیت پر حکمت ہے "Allah ki Mashiyyat per Hikmat hai" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 23-02-10 |
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صیانۃ المسلمین کے آداب - حصہ 2 "Sianatul-Muslimeen ke Aadaab" (Part-II)- Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 05-01-10 |
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صدقات و زکوٰۃ محافظین جان و مال "Sadaqaat o Zakat Muhafizeen Jan o Maal" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 18-01-10 |
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صیانۃ المسلمین کے آداب - حصہ 1 "Sianatul-Muslimeen ke Aadaab" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 05-01-10 |
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ماہ محرم کی فضیلت اور احکام Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Maah-e-Muharram ki Fazilat aur Ahkaam" held on 22-12-09 |
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حیات طیبہ کی ہے Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Hayaat-e-Tayyibah kia hai" held on 17-11-09 |
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تصویر کشی کا گناہ Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Tasweer kashi ka Gunah" |
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غوروفکر اور طریق سلوک Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Ghaur o Fikr aur Tareeq-e-Suluk" |
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اسبابِ مغفرت Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi - "Asbaab-e-Maghfirat" |
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فضائل و مسائل رمضان و تراویح Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi on 31-08-09 - "Fazail o Masail Ramadhan wa Tarawih" |
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::::مفتی عبدالروف سکھروی صاحب:::: Mufti Abdul Rauf Sukkuwi |
عنوان | سنیے | ||
جو لوگ دین کے پکے ہیں ان کے ساتھ رہو "Jo log deen ke pakke hain un ke saath raho" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 21-05-11 |
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سیرت النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اور ہماری زندگی "Seeratun-Nabi aur Hamari Zindagi" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 14-06-11 |
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اچھی اور بری کا قرآنی حکم "Achi aur Buri Suhbat ka Qur'ani Hukm" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 31-05-11
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
نیکو کاروں کی صحبت اکسیر ہے "Naiku karon ki suhbat ikseer hai" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 24-05-11 |
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حقیقت تقوی "Haqeeqat-e-Taqwa" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 17-05-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
دعاء - اطاعت بھی اور عبادت بھی "Dua - Itaa'at bhi aur 'Ibaadat bhi" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 5-04-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
دعا ء - ذکر بھی اور عبادت بھی "Dua - Zikr bhi aur Ibaadat bhi" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 15-03-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
اسباب اختیار کر کے نطر مسبب پر رکھیں "Asbaab Ikhtiar kar ke nazar Musabbib per rakhain" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 1-2-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
عاشقوں کا واقعہ "Aashiqon ka Waqiah" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 21-12-10 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
سود کی نحوست اور صدقے کی برکت "Sood ki Nahusat aur Sadqe ki Barket" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 24-10-10 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
دنیا میں سبے سے بڑی نعمت قرآن کریم "Dunya main sab se Bari Ni'mat - Quran-e-Kareem" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 22-06-10 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
قرآن مجید کا پڑھنا پڑھانا "Quran-e-Majeed ka Parhna Parhana" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 13-07-10 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
::::مفتی عبدالروف سکھروی صاحب:::: Mufti Abdul Rauf Sukkuwi |
عنوان | سنیے | ||
حقوق العباد کی معافی و تلافی نہ کرانا کبر ہے۔ "Huquq ul Ibaad ki Muafi o Talafi na karana Kibr hai" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 27-12-11.
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
آفات لسان "Afaat-e-Lisaan" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 20-12-11. (With thanks to www.deeneislam.com) |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
بدگمانی گناہ بے لذت ہےش "Badgumani Gunah-e-Be Lazzat hai" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 13-12-11. (With thanks to www.deeneislam.com)
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
عاشورہ محرم کے نتائج و عبر "Aashura-e-Muharram ke Nataij o Ibr" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 29-11-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
بغض و کینہ شب برات کی رحمتوں سے محرومی کے اسباب "Bughz-o-Keena Shab-e-Baraat key Rahmton say Mahroomi" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 27-5-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
دوسروں کی تحقیر نہ کریں "Doosron ki Tehqeer na karain" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 25-10-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
عشرہ ذی الحجہ - قربانی - کی فضیلت "Ashrah-e- Zil-Hajjah (Qurbani) ki Fazeelat" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 01-11-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
نیکی اور ظلم کا تبادلہ ہو گا۔ "Neki aur Zulm ka Tabaadlah hoga" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 4-10-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
مجلس کے مقاصد "Majlis ke Maqaasid" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 20-09-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
سرۃ النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اور ہماری زندگی - حصہ 3 "Seerat un Nabi" (Part-III)- Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 28-06-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
سرۃ النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اور ہماری زندگی - حصہ 2 "Seerat un Nabi" (Part-II)- Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 21-06-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
شیخ کے قابل کون؟ "Sheikh ke Qabil kawn hai! " - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 3-05-11 |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
::::مفتی عبدالروف سکھروی صاحب:::: Mufti Abdul Rauf Sukkuwi |
عنوان | سنیے | ||
نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا خوشبودار وجود - تمام انبیاء کی چار مشترک سنتیں - حصہ 2 "Nabi SallAllahu alaihi wasallam ka Khushbudar Wujud" (Tamaam Ambia ki Mushtarak Sunnatain - Part 2) - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 26-2-12.
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
تمام انبیاء کی چار مشترک سنتیں - حصہ اول "Tamaam Ambia ki Mushtarak Sunnatain" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 19-2-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
تسبیح فاطمی -آسان ذکر، عظیم فضیلت "Tasbeeh Fatmi - Asan Zikr, Azeem Fazeelat" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 20-5-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
شب معراج اور شیطانی کام "Shab-e-Mi'raj aur Shaitani kaam" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 17-6-12. (With thanks to Mehboob-e-Elahi.com) |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
بغض و کینہ شب برات کی رحمتوں سے محرومی کے اسباب "Bughz-o-Keena Shab-e-Baraat key Rahmton say Mahroomi" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 27-5-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
ذکر و اذکار - حضرت نوح علیہ السلام کی نصیحت "Zikr-o-Azkaar - Hazrat Nuh Alaihis Salaam ki Nasihat" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 27-5-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
اہل حق کے اختلافات اور راہ اعتدال "Ahle Haq ki Ikhtilafaat aur Raahe I'tidaal" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 30-3-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
اذان اور اقامت کے فضائل و مسائل "Azaan aur Iqaamat ke Fazail o Masail" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 15-4-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
وضو اور غسل میں پانی ضائع کرنے کا گناہ "Wuzu aur Ghusl main pani zai' karne ka gunah" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 25-3-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
شریعت میں وعدے کی اہمیت و مسائل "Shari'at main Waaday ki Ahmiat o Masail" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 22-1-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
بد گمانی سے بچیں، بھائی چارگی کو فروغ دیں "Badgumani se bachain, bhaichargi ko farogh dain" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 21-2-12. |
Unable to embed Rapid1Pixelout audio player. Please double check that: 1)You have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. 2)This web page does not have any fatal Javascript errors. 3)The audio-player.js file of Rapid1Pixelout has been included. |
وعدہ خلافی گناہ ہے "Wada khilafi Gunah hai" - Speech of Mufti Abdur-Rawf Sakharwi held on 3-1-12. |
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