Page 11 - Payam-e-Haya (Eng)

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The Miracle in Wedding Dinner:
Anas b. Malik narrates:
During the feast on the occasion of the Prophet’s
marriage to Zaynab bint Jahsh,
my mother, Umm Sulaym said to me:
“O Anas! The prophet Muhammad
is going to marry today. I think they do not
have any food. Bring that oil here!” I brought it. My mum prepared a dish called hays
by mixinging pure Madinah dates only enough for the apostle of Allah and his wife
with oil in an earthenware pot.
“O Anas! Take this dish to the Apostle of Allah and say to Him: ‘My mum has sent this
to you. She is sending her kindest regards to you. Say to the apostle of Allah that this
is a small and insufficient gift from us for you”.
I took it to the apostle of Allah and said:
“My mum is sending her kindest regards to you. This is a small and insufficient gift
from us for you”
He said to me: “Put it there!” I put it on the empty place between Him and the wall.
He also said:
“Go and invite Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali!”. He
also told to me to invite
many people among from His companions. I was amazed by his inviting many people
for such little food. However, I found it inappropriate not to obey his order and invited
them all. He said to me:
“Invite anyone who is present at the mosque!” I did so. I went to the mosque and
said to all of the people who were there either
praying or sleeping:
“Go to the wedding dinner of the apostle of
Allah!” They came. Finally, everyone filled the
prophet’s room and anteroom. He asked me:
“Is there anyone left in the mosque?”
answered him “No!” He asked me again:
“Look! Invite whomever you encounter on your
way!” I invited. He asked:
(Sent by: Jawairiya Sadozai, D G Khan)