Page 23 - E Magazine Payam e Haya [ENGLISH]

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definitely known that those who sold this
prestigious daughter would never be
contented andhappyat theendof theday.
They accused Aafia of being involved
in terrorism, doubted her patriotism,
declared her an agent of Al-Qaeda,
relegated her American passport holder
butwhen the juryannounced itsdecision,
it clearly stated that Aafia has nothing to
do with any terrorist organization rather
she is a devout Muslim and patriotic
Pakistani. Such a decision wiped out
all the misunderstandings propagated
to confuse afia’s character in the minds
of Pakistani nation and today whole
nation is raising voice for her freedom. If
Pakistani rulers are reluctant to believe
this they may conduct a referendum
about the issue, discuss it in the
parliament or ask people about their
opinion in any of the public processions.
It is a crisis of our society that our rulers
are hypocrites otherwise this issue
is not a security risk for our country
at all. It can be raised on any global
platform on humanitarian basis seeking
aid from Muslim countries like Turkey,
Egypt and Saudi Arabia etc. Human
Rights organizations may support this
cause upon official request of Pakistani
government and furthermore the global
media can pressurize White House to
declaration about Afia’s innocence
there is no justification of Pakistani
government’s cold behavior regarding
her release. The bitter reality is that our
politicians, our leaders and chieftains
are not serious about this issue.
If the influential journalists attached with
national media, who work devotedly for
the everyday problems of public, could
there is no reason she won’t come back.
I wonder our think tanks have more
reservations towards Afia’s release than
the American policy makers whereas
our thinkers should consider that by
bringing her back they can provide a
good reason to stop the internal warfare
in Pakistan. It will blow a new spirit of
satisfaction and self-confidence in
Pakistani nation. All the organizations
struggling for democracy, the rights
of education and health will gain new
strength and supportive boost. Afia’s
return to Pakistan will raise the moral of
the organizations working for the rights
of women in Pakistan. And generally the
hopeless nation will again dream about
good and prestigious future of Pakistan.
Right now the circumstances of Pakistan
are before us; we are spineless,
opportunists and a terrified nation, we
hide the truth for the sake of timely
interests. Mother Nature has cursed us
with cowardice, internal warfare, hatred
and conflicts as revenge. How many
natural disasters attacked us since
March 2003! Reflect upon the past