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A period of 40 years is quiet enough for any country or society to set its aims and objectives, targets, to set things right and to strengthen the basic ideology and thinking. However, anyone who behaves like child even after the passage of 40 years and who is deprived of maturity, needs brain tests and psychological analysis to find out where is the problem and what are the reasons behind this problem. It has also to be analyzed if there had been any lacking in the manner he was brought up that is hindering his normal growth. However, here is the case of not only 40-year-old person, but it is the case of 56 years. This is the time when youth departs, back is bent, hearing becomes defective, vision is blurred, senses do not cooperate with manoeuvres, and senility shrouds the entire body. This is the case of an individual. What would be the situation of a country, which was created by involving the efforts of great leaders, political experts, big brains and intellectuals.

What sort of country is this that has been unable even after the passage of youth hood to ascertain what is its objective. What is its destination and which appropriate route should it adopt to reach the destination? This is a long discussion, which has always been taken up by renowned scholars, intellectuals, economic experts, politicians and journalists utilizing all types of media. They discussed “What type of independent state was desired by those who dreamt of Pakistan? What sort of administrative system they wanted to implement in the country. If at a discussion, one participant quotes the speech of the founder of Pakistan then other one presents the write up of the Poet of the East. One journalist tries to prove through the wordings of Jinnah that he was secular so he liked secularism.

While the other journalist presents Jinnah as a true Mujahid who wanted to implement true Islamic system in the country but he could not do so because of anti-Islam elements who remained close to him all the time. But, many questions arise: “Does the future of our country depend on the whims of such anti-Islam elements? Do these elements enjoy all rights to set the lifestyle of people of the country? Do they enjoy the power to consider the sacrifices of millions of Muslims for the creation of an independent Muslim state and allow Islamic system to prosper or reject this system if they do not like it and continue with anti-Islam policies? Does a mother whose infant was martyred during the independence movement not have any right to contribute towards the legislation making setting the right direction of the country? Does a father whose young daughters were abused before his eyes, not have a right to present his opinion in the formation of a better country? Is there no importance of the sacrifices of that person who slaughtered the ladies of his own family just to protect their chastity? Do the feelings of that man carry no weight whose sister was forcibly taken away by the non-Muslim feudals to make her a bonded maid?

Is there anyone who would keep in view the zest of those Muslims who never hesitated in extending all sorts of sacrifices on the slogan of ‘Lailaha Illallah’? O’k. It can be said that those who brought the idea of rendering sacrifices for an independent sate were the leaders and those who really rendered sacrifices were the workers. But, another question arises “What was that slogan that provoked Muslims to see all sacrifices as only way out and the limit?” Forget the opinion of those people who fought the anti-Islam forces, shed their blood, sacrificed their loved ones and remained stuck to the cause of an independent Muslim state. Do the people, who dominate the majority and play key role in setting the right direction of the country, not give any importance to the Divine Order and teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam)? Such elements must better understand that they are at fault and committing heinous crime by not obeying the orders of Allah and by denying the teachings of the Holy Prophet (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam).

Another discussion has been the source of controversy these days that “There should be Islamic system in the country but that Islam should be a ‘Moderate Islam’.

Moderate Islam is itself a puzzle that can neither be solved nor can be made others understand. The views of the flag-bearers of Moderate Islam show that this is a new model of Islam, which is so enormous and possesses unlimited opportunities and possibilities. Efforts are being made to present the existing Makki and Madani Islam as obsolete and introduce a new edition of Islam in which sensualism and obeying Allah Almighty go together. In the opinion of those people who are bent to present such a model of Islam, neither Allah Almighty gets annoyed on any matter nor the Satan is unhappy. In this system interest is termed integral part of the economy while singing and dancing is taken as part of culture and heritage. Non-observance of purdah is taken for granted and mixing of men and women together is termed the demand of modern traditions. Besides, there are more reservations and objection, which can be adopted as part of Islam in this new and proposed system.

The authors and creators of this new edition of Islam are so annoyed over ‘Mulla’ (religious scholar) who devotes his entire life in obeying the Divine Orders, who follows the true Islamic path that has been described in Holy Qur’an and preached by the Holy Prophet, and who never allows unauthorized and anti-Islam publication of the Holy Book and Sunnah. Anti-Islam people think that in the Islam of Mulla, emphasis is laid only on growing beard, wearing pajamas above ankles and covering women from head to toe with Burqa (veils).

It is so amazing to know the approach of such people who have such an opinion about the Islam of a Mulla. This exposes their intellect and limit of broad-mindedness. What a blame they have leveled on the Mulla. If they take Mulla’s Islam as growing beard, wearing pajamas above ankles and covering women from head to toe then they must better understand that such a Islam already exists in Hindustan, Europe and entire West. They must understand that Mulla does term ‘growing beard and Hijab (covering of face and body by women)’ part of Islam, but his Islam is not limited to following these things only. Also, Mulla does not give top priority to the implementation of Islamic system only, but he stresses for bringing complete changes in the lifestyle, economy, society, trade and business, and politics, as described in the Islam. This is the only vow of a Mulla that has been a source of discomfort for many pro-West people as well as rulers. Mulla requests the supporters of ‘Moderate Islam’ not to bind Islam to follow the Western styles in order to join the so called race of fast moving world. Otherwise in this race there will be only Moderate Islam and the real shape of Islam that has been described in the Holy Qur’an will exist no more.

By the time I was writing these paragraphs, I happened to go through a news item published in a section of the press. I would take privilege to inform valued readers about that news item to decide where the Moderate Islam would lead the Muslims in their lust to adopt Modern Islamic system. The man to whom the news item is linked is known as Farooq `Abdullah. He is the former chief minister of Kashmir while presently he enjoys position as Chairman, Auqaf, Kashmir. He says, he does not deny that he frequently visits temples, but these visits do not affect him as a Muslim or his religion. He says religion is every individual’s personal matter.

If Farooq Abdullah goes to temples, that is absolutely his personal issue. But while being a Muslim he cannot defend worshiping of idols. The issue of ‘personal matter’ is gaining fame among pro-Moderate Islam people. Followers of this system go for Haraam, enjoy liquor and maintain illicit relations.

The news item further says that Farooq Abdullah, while entering a temple, accepted to register himself as a Hindu. But, despite all these things and personal matters, he is a Muslim and also he is the chairman of Auqaf, Kashmir.

I humbly request the followers and supporters of Moderate Islam, don’t turn people that modern that they while indulging in dancing and singing activities they would flatly tell the Mulla that whatever they are doing that is their personal matter, which does not cast any negative impact on their being a Muslim.